Design of Zhongwei Yellow River Tunnel in West-East Pipeline Project
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- 作者:
- 向勇
- 作者单位:
- 中国石油工程设计有限公司西南分公司, 四川成都 610017
Northwest Company of China Petroleum Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610017
- 关键词:
- 西气东输;黄河隧道;结构设计;管道设计
west to east gas transportation;the Yellow River Tunnel;structural design;pipeline design
- 摘要:
- 中卫黄河隧道是西气东输能源战略的咽喉工程之一,隧道内敷设西气东输中卫黄河跨越的备用管道和西气东输二线管道,隧道穿越几条大地震断裂带,工程设计难度较大。文章在介绍了西气东输中卫黄河隧道工程地质、水文地质条件的基础上,论述了隧道结构的设计、穿越管道的设计及其原则,总结了天然气管道水下隧道工程设计的特点。
As one"throat project" in west to east gas transportation energy strategy,Zhongwei Yellow River Tunnel has a part of backup pipeline of West to East Gas Pipeline and a part of Second West to East Gas Pipeline laid within it for the river crossing.The tunnel passes several large seismic fracture zones,which increases difficulty of the engineering design.The engineering geology and hydrogeololgy conditions of the tunnel are introduced and the tunnel structural design and the pipeline design philosophy are discussed,the engineering design characteristics of the underwater tunnel are summarized.2011,3(3): 51-55 收稿日期:2010-10-12分类号:TE973.4作者简介:向勇(1981-),男,四川石棉人,工程师,2003年毕业于西南科技大学土木工程专业,现主要从事油气管道隧道结构设计工作.参考文献:
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