Technology and Application of Automatic Welding Machine for Offshore Platform Pile Pipes
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- 作者:
- 张建护, 唐德渝, 冯标, 李春润, 牛虎理, 龙斌
ZHANG Jian-hu
- 作者单位:
- 中国石油集团工程技术研究院, 天津 300451
CNPC Research Institute of Engineering Technology,Tianjin 300451
- 关键词:
- 海洋平台;导管架;桩管焊接;自动焊;自保护药芯焊丝
offshore platform;jacket;pile pipe welding;self-shielded flux-cored electrode
- 摘要:
- 为改变海洋平台导管架海上安装桩管焊接工作量大、效率低的现状,开展了自动焊工艺技术的试验研究。文章从焊接方法的选择、焊接工艺试验、工程应用等方面论述了针对桩管常用的D32和E36高强船用钢,采用自保护药芯焊丝进行自动焊的研究内容。试验结果及现场应用表明:该方法效率高,抗风能力强,接头性能完全满足工艺规范的要求。
In order to improve the status of great welding workload and poor efficiency in offshore installation of offshore platform pile pipes,the test research of automatic welding technology was performed.This paper introduces the test research contents of automatic welding technology using self-shielded flux-cored electrode(SSFCE) for high tensile D32 and E36 shipbuilding steels widely used for pile pipes.The test results and field application prove that this method has advantages of high efficiency and strong wind resistance,and the welding joint properties meet the demands of the welding criterion.This automatic welding machine is worthy of popularizing application.2011,3(3): 21-24 收稿日期:2010-8-3分类号:TE951作者简介:张建护(1965-),男,陕西兴平人,工程师,1987年毕业于承德石油学校,一直从事焊接工艺与设备的研究、设计工作.参考文献:
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