Techniques of Emergency Repair for Broken Oil and Gas Pipelines
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- 作者:
- 屈海利, 何建设, 宋花平, 袁长友, 崔虹
QU Hai-li
- 作者单位:
- 中国人民解放军总后油料研究所, 北京 102300
POL Research Institute of General Logistics Department,PLA,Beijing 102300,China
- 关键词:
- 油气管道;破断;抢修;焊接;管接头;快装管道
oil and gas pipelines;broken;emergency repair;welding;pipe-joint;rapid-deployment pipes
- 摘要:
- 输油气管道破断后必须停输抢修,抢修技术分焊接和非焊接两种。焊接抢修是永久性的抢修方案,非焊接抢修是临时性的抢修方案。文章从焊接抢修的程序、焊接封堵三通和旁通三通的方法、封堵焊接的要求,非焊接抢修的程序、形状记忆合金管接头、斯特劳勃管接头、槽头管接头、制式快装管道等方面进行了综述。
Both welding and non-welding techniques of emergency repair for broken oil and gas pipelines are discussed in this paper.Welding is permanent for broken pipeline emergency repair and the non-welding is temporary,and which way adopted is based on the pipeline running condition.The welding emergency repair procedures and requirements of tapping and plugging using T-joint and bypass T-joint are illustrated in addition to the non-welding emergency repair procedures,shape memory alloy pipe-joint,Straub pipe-joint,recessed-head pipe-joint,steel or composite-material rapid-deployment pipes with both ends of standard joints.2011,3(3): 6-9 收稿日期:2010-8-24分类号:TE973.9作者简介:屈海利(1968-),男,安徽宿州人,高级工程师,1995年毕业于中国石油大学(北京),现从事野战输油管道及输油泵机组的研究.参考文献:
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