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Research and application of hydrodynamic scouring and sedimentation charac? teristics in submarine pipeline routing area under seabed damage
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- 作者:
- 淳明浩, 于德周, 杨肖迪, 罗小桥, 姚志广, 徐爽
CHUN Minghao, YU Dezhou, YANG Xiaodi, LUO Xiaoqiao, YAO Zhiguang, XU Shuang
- 作者单位:
- 1. 中国石油集团工程技术研究有限公司, 天津 300451;2. 中国石油集团海洋工程重点实验室, 天津 300451;3. 中国石油集团海洋工程(青岛)有限公司, 山东青岛 266520
- 关键词:
- 海底管道; 路由区; 水动力; 冲淤特性; 风险评估
submarine pipeline;routing area;hydrodynamics;scouring and sedimentation characteristics;risk assessment
- 摘要:
- 针对某海底管道路由区人为作业形成的海床破坏区域在水动力作用下发生海底冲淤侵蚀变化问题,在路由区水动力参数观测和海底取样的基础上,研究提出了基于水动力数值模拟分析软件与模型的路由区冲淤特征的分析方法,设计了基于这一工程实际的二维水流-泥沙数学模型,利用管道路由区域实测的水文、地质数据确定了模型的边界条件,有效模拟了不同模型尺度下管道路由区的冲淤状况,经现场实测验证了该方法的正确性与有效性,可为海底管道的保护与运维评估提供技术支持。
The hydrodynamic action of a submarine pipeline routing area causes the problem of seabed scouring and sedimentation erosion in the seabed damage area caused by man-made operations. To solve this problem, this paper studies a method for analyzing the characteristics of the scouring and sedimentation environment in the routing area based on the hydrodynamic numerical simulation analysis software and model, after the observation of hydrodynamic parameters and seabed sampling in the routing area. Based on the actual two-dimensional flow and sediment mathematical model of engineering, the paper determines the boundary conditions of the model by using the regional measured hydrological and geological data. It effectively simulates the scouring and sedimentation conditions of the pipeline routing area under different model scales. The field measured data verifies the correctness and effectiveness of this method, which can provide technical support for submarine pipeline protection and maintenance evaluation.