Membrane-type Storage Tank: A New Type of LNG Tank
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- 作者:
- 章泽华, 张奕, 艾绍平
ZHANG Ze-hua
- 作者单位:
- 中国石油唐山液化天然气项目经理部 河北唐山 063000
Tangshan LNG Project Department of PetroChina Company Ltd, Tangshan 063000, China
- 关键词:
- LNG储罐;薄膜型;9%镍钢;结构;对比
membrane-type LNG storage tank;9%Ni steel LNG storage tank;contrast;advantage
- 摘要:
- 薄膜型的LNG储罐是一种新型的储罐,目前国内尚未开始应用。薄膜型储罐与常见的9%镍钢储罐在设计上的主要不同点在于将储罐结构、绝缘和气密性作用明确分离,使得每个部分得以优化,且可有效避免事故的发生。文章介绍了薄膜型储罐的发展及应用现状、结构及设计理念、薄膜型储罐和9%镍钢全包容储罐的结构和建设工时对比、薄膜型储罐的优点等。
Membrane-type storage tank, as a new type of LNG tank, has not been applied in China yet.The major difference of membrane-type tank from common 9%Ni steel tank in design is that the tank structure, insulation and air-tight functions are definitely separated and optimized avoid multiple accidents. This paper introduces the development and application status of membrane-type storage tank, its structure and design concept, the contrasts between membrane-type tank and 9%Ni steel all-encompassing tank in structure and construction period,as well as advantages of membrane-type tank.2013,3(3): 1-4 收稿日期:2012-6-28DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-2206.2013.03.001作者简介:章泽华(1962-),男,贵州大方人,高级工程师,1983年毕业于西南石油学院油气储运工程专业,现从事国内外油气储运工程技术及项目管理工作。参考文献:
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